There are some very important signs that tell us about the coming weather: When there is a warm autumn, there will be a cold spring is one saying. Another is to follow how the willow grouses are behaving. They are usually walking on the ground and hide under bushes, but if you see willow grouses sitting in trees, on branches, there is a snow storm coming up soon.
Another trustworthy sign is how the wind turnes around: When the wind turns clockwise from one direction to another, there will be good weather. And when the wind turnes anticlockwise on the other hand, there will be bad weather. It will start snowing when there are clouds coming up after a windy day.
In ancient times the Sami people tried to affect the weather conditions by worshiping and honoring the Windman when they were herdig reindeer in the mountains or travelling at sea. They believed then the Bieggolmmái would not put hard winds nor storms on them. The Sami people were offering through ceremonies reindeer antlers and other things on mountaintops for Bieggolmmái, the wind-ruler.
If the wind is blowing hard from one direction the Windman can move the reindeer in the direction he wants. The Sami people have always been able to take control of the winds. They are gifted in stopping the wind and knotting the wind in ropes. In ancient times they used to sell windropes. On knot on the rope could hold an ordinary weak wind. Two knots held hard winds and a rope with three knots held a raging storm.
The story tells the Sami people can control the winds with the help of the Windman. That is at least the fact about a Sami capable of catching the wind being born. He or she is then capable of controlling that special wind that was blowing on the day he/she was born.